What is the Best Method for Learning a Language?

There are many theories on the best way to learn a language. Numerous schools and academies try to convince you that their method is the one proven way. Polyglots, people who speak more than several languages, post videos to give you “the secret” to learning languages. Many people are just trying to get a corner on the market and compete with other schools promoting other methods.

Many schools charging premium prices try to simply inspire confidence in the customers and justify their prices. Many have developed a method that works for them. And that is a good point. Learning methods are all individual. The crank inside of you might be saying that sounds like loose standards and if you want to learn you just learn like everyone else, this usually involves a bias towards the way you might have been educated. But there is a lot of important serious research available to us nowadays especially with cognitive understanding and neuroscience helping us get a deeper insight to how the brain processes, notices, encodes, retrieves, and rehearses information. The old ways of learning things were not the best. And there is something admirable and necessary about optimizing sub-optimal conditions. But we should always ask the question: Could we do better than this?

What do you think? Keep in mind not to hold too rigidly to rigid categories. New ideas of learning keep coming but old ideas still return to play a part in the process. How were you educated and what are your opinions on the direction future education should take?

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